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Writer's pictureKathleen Roling


Hello readers! I want to introduce myself first off. My name is Katheen and I am an artist who recently cracked open her sketchbook again to make art for art’s sake. For many years I have been distracted with school/work and various other life events and barely touched my paints. As time passed the less confident I became with making art. Well I’m back! The call of the blank canvas and the peaceful memory of paint on my fingers was too great to ignore and I don’t plan to leave it ever again.

To get back in the swing of things and brush up on my painting skills, I haven’t been worrying about making finished pieces. Instead I have been practicing with small stress-free practice paintings testing out different techniques to broaden the spectrum of techniques I will use when I get to the real paintings. The main mediums I use are watercolor paints and soft pastels. Every once in a while I venture to do an oil painting but I think that’ll have to wait till I regain my confidence. Just the other day I made these 3″ abstract paintings just to play with paint again. I stopped planning and just let creativity out without worrying about it being “good” or “bad”. Sometimes we have to the get bad ideas cleared out to make way for the good stuff.

If you are an artist who lost their confidence I encourage you to take steps of just playing with your medium again rather than focusing on making completed pieces. Sometimes the intimidation of creating full pieces was so much for me I couldn’t pick up my pencil just to sketch.

My intention for this blog is to show my journey into art. Sometimes it’ll mean showing various techniques I’m trying out and sharing how I did them.  Sometimes I’ll mean sharing what was going on in my heart when I created a piece. As any journey I’m sure this one will have ups and downs but I look forward to taking it to its end.

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