Hello Readers!
I know it has been FOREVER since I last wrote on my blog. But I promise that won’t happen again. Life has taken a turn for the better and I am going full throttle at art from now on.
So much has happened! I’ll try to keep it short.
A few months ago I learned about a chalk art contest in Chicago and decided to enter. I knew chalking on the sidewalk was going to be very different than on paper but I was up for the challenge. I created a beautiful piece titled, “Starry Flight” and won first place at that competition. It was there that I attracted my sponsor Champ Sticks. Now I create chalk art at various festivals and contests.I love street art because it is for everyone to enjoy. My art isn’t closed inside four walls for only a few to see. And it can be viewed by people of every class, not only ones who can afford original artwork. I love watching the children walk up to my drawing as I’m working. Many of them want to join in! It makes my day to see their faces light up when they see my drawings.On top of all that awesome stuff. I am now officially a full time artist!!! My dream has come true and I’m running hard after my passion. 📷Champ Sticks sponsored me for some pieces I created in my home town during art festivals. Check out the pictures and the video here! https://youtu.be/EZgcf4PeWCg